Saturday, October 29, 2011

Healing with Jewish Christian Quantum Powers!!!

Healing Miracles are for today! Jewish-Christian quantum mechanics work because it is God's way of helping mankind. The Jewish Bible, the Tanakh, contains a wealth of information about healing by ordinary people using his bouncy to heal. For instance it is known since biblical times that honey contains a natural antibiotic. Honey never spoils. The Bible speaks about Elijah raising a dead son of the widow that he was staying with.
Starting in about the 1600s the supposed wise men, scientists etc. started the nonsence that either miracles are not truly miracles or they are not for this time and age. Science became their god with all the requirements of a religion i.e. the assumed superior intellect reasoning. After all, in the 1800s medical doctors believe that you were controlled by four humors and bloodletting was considered the height of science.
Part one of 1033.
God bless you and yours-Dan