Evidently there’s some confusion on how I define “dimension.” Generally we define our world in four dimensions: length, depth, height, and time. For the most part we are happy to live in four dimensions in reality it is enough for our daily living. Going back approximately 5000 years ago God ordained help for us since Adams sin broke fellowship with God. There became a void in our life. Since God’s Word cannot be voided part of His Spirit maintains the universe that He created.
Let us go back to the beginning before there was a universe. Before the universe was created, there was only God the “I Am The I Am!” Another words He was, is, and will be, Now. This concept is impossible for us to understand because we are finite. We have a beginning and a end. In the Bible, the book of Genesis is an accurate account of how the universe was made. Scientists call it the Big Bang Theory. The sequences or days of the beginning orchestration of the universe follows the exact biblical account.
Theoretical physicists will never be able to go back to the exact time when the universe was created or more correctly, they can never know what came before the first big bang. No matter how much money and time they put into devising atom-smashers they can never go beyond 0.00 hour. Because there was nothing before until God created the universe that we live in. This is a concept that is foreign to us since we know that there is a creation, which we are part of. Like the idea of infinity. We really cannot understand what it is. Since we cannot experience it in our mortal framework.
As I stated earlier we live in a four dimensional world of length, width, height, and time and for most of us it is all what we need. Someone named Albert Einstein had figured out that the universe is curved. That means that if we orient ourselves to the North and turn right we are facing East. If we were able to go faster than light since space is curved we would meet ourselves, eventually, in a full circle. That is because we have a limited area that we can occupy. God has no limits or boundaries. He has no concept of infinity because it is His natural state. He is always Now. In other words He has no dimensions because He cannot be defined. He is Being-Now-I Am!
In the Jewish Kabbalah oral tradition the universe the universe (God) has 10 sefirot or atrutbtiues/ dimensions. The 10th dimension is where God lives in that dimension there is no limits. Since God is perfect. The concepts of space and time , etc. have no value to Him. It is only in our universe that has definitions on three-dimensional. There are eight realities of Space and Time, which are:( 1-Above,2- Below),( 3-Right, 4-Left),( 5-Forward, 6-Back),( 7-Past, 8-Future). When Abraham came on the scene he added a Moral Dimension ( Good and Bad).
So when I write about “dimensions” they only apply to our universe. There may be other universes but we have no way of knowing. Nor is it germane to speculate about it because it does not concern us because we live in the here and now in this universe.
I want to thank you for your comments and I assure you that I read all of them. I weed out postings about making money on the Internet. I am in the process of completing my PhD dissertation and class work so that I I do not have tons of time. However, please contact me with any comments at dan@agape-healinghands.com and check out my webb site www.agape-healinghands.com
God Bless you and yours,
Tags: I AM THE I AM, Kabbala, quantaum healing, quantum energy, quntum dimensions
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