Saturday, October 29, 2011

Healing with Jewish Christian Quantum Powers!!!

Healing Miracles are for today! Jewish-Christian quantum mechanics work because it is God's way of helping mankind. The Jewish Bible, the Tanakh, contains a wealth of information about healing by ordinary people using his bouncy to heal. For instance it is known since biblical times that honey contains a natural antibiotic. Honey never spoils. The Bible speaks about Elijah raising a dead son of the widow that he was staying with.
Starting in about the 1600s the supposed wise men, scientists etc. started the nonsence that either miracles are not truly miracles or they are not for this time and age. Science became their god with all the requirements of a religion i.e. the assumed superior intellect reasoning. After all, in the 1800s medical doctors believe that you were controlled by four humors and bloodletting was considered the height of science.
Part one of 1033.
God bless you and yours-Dan

Monday, February 14, 2011

"He Comitted Hisself to Adonai..." TelillIm 22:9

Adonai Hears His Prayer!

The songwriter David trusted in the Lord. No matter what his problems were he knew that Adonai would heal him in all things. In the modern day it is looked upon as being out of fashion to believe in God’s miracle powers. In the USA the so-called mainline Christian denomination, for the most part, believe that God can work miracles, but very rarely. In other parts of the world they firmly believe that someone, a god, has the power and the will to preform miracles of healing and other things.

The sad case that when we look the Western civilization has for the most part, especially Europe, placed there hope in their own efforts rather than on Christ’s salvation. I have written in other posts on the Quantum 8th. Dimension and people seem to miss the point. When I am using the term Dimension I am using it in the sense of the Kabbalah usage. In the Kabbalah there are 10 Dimensions and the Quantum 8th Dimension is where the Holy Spirit of Creation (Ruach HaKodesh) resides. That is, the portion of His person that is used to maintain the universe resides. Since Adonai’s Word was before the creation of all living things. The principal of access to the Quantum Power of the Holy Spirit is available to everyone. However, when sin changed our relationship to Adonai is more difficult to access the Quantum 8th dimension not impossible but difficult.

In the 14th century, there arose a doctrine in Christianity called Dispensational Period. In the 19th century Germanic theologians propose that: A. The Bible is mostly mythical stories with the purpose of enlightenment about God and B. that the Bible is divided into various Dispensations or Ages. This Age (dispensation) of miracles has passed. Today miracles are not very evident in our lives because the true purpose of miracles was to jump start the Christian movement or Church immediately after Jesus went to heaven.

The problem with Dispensational Theology is that there is no support for it in the Bible. Those who support this view have to ignore the evidence of miracles and healings around the world. They take the position that if they don’t see it, it does not happen. God designed the universe before man and he made it for our health and wealth. The Buddhist monk knows that you can tap into the Quantum 8th dimension. It takes prayer and fasting to attain the level of faith to work in the Quantum 8th dimension. The Righteous Hebrew and saved Christian can freely tap into the Quantum 8th dimension and go to the 9th dimension. Since we are joint heirs with Jesus we have the promise of Jacob/Israel.

If it was good for Israel and Jesus it is good for me! Healing as you know is not the cure, but it sure helps until the cure comes along. The techniques that I use in my healing, The Eradicator(c) and and The Mind. Balancing(c) are based on access to the Quantum 8th Dimension. As a Judeo-Christian I give, and rightly so, all the glory to Adonai. That is why I can go to the 9th Dimension where as the world can only go to the Quantum 8th Dimension.

Jesus said that we are to go out into the world and Heal people in their Spirit, Mind and Body.

Now go and do it!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Yin & Yang is Stupid!

Judeo-Christian Quantum-Healing is based on that there is one God and that there is one absolute truth. This means that when God created out of nothing the universe. It was perfect . We do not know when Satan’s minions rebelled against God, nor do we know that timeframe innervation to Adams sin. The Bible teaches us that Adam’s sin was more profound then Lucifer’s in retrospect. We know then that evil is not natural to the universe or God is a artifact imposed on to the universe.

Therefore, Yin & Yang are foolish and meaningless concepts even the Buddhist scheme of things. Basically Buddhism teaches that we need to go through a series of reincarnations until we reach the state of human perfection. The purpose of this journey is become less and less desiring of the passions of the universe and become one with the “all encompassing spirit.” Another words you have to become the best cockroach that you can the so that you can advance to being the next level maybe a snake. You can’t advance until you become “good” at whatever level that you are. Any badness or evil stops your advancement.

This is a dilemma because Yin and Yang says that everything is in balance, that is to say positive and negative, good and bad. If you follow this philosophy that you are on a journey to Nirvana which means you attain perfection from not wanting the passions of this world. The underlining philosophy is that is necessary to have half of the people 100% good and balance the rest at 100% bad. Yin and Yang!

Some more food for thought!

I still cannot figure out how to navigate around my blog so please write me if you have any questions at and please check out my webb site .

God Bless you and yours,


Tags: absolute truth, dilema of nivana, Judeo-Christian, quantaum healing, yin-yang stupid

This entry was posted on Monday, November 1st, 2010 at 10:54 AM and is filed under Alternative Medicine, Quantum Healing-Energy Healing, Spiritual, Wellness. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site

Beat me with rubber-dumb-knuchs!

Before I am beaten by angry would beJack Chans let me start at the outset saying that I believe in the concept of Chi. On the other hand, Yin & Yang really deals with the concept of good and bad, karma or destiny; the ultimate of one’s life is to going into the state of nirvana, being ’one with the universal spirit’. As I wrote before this philosophy presupposes that we have to go through difference stages of awareness of being and that we must be the best cockroach that we can be so that we can be the best lizard, that eats cockroaches, in the next life and so on. “New Ager’s” blend and confuse the concept of energy and the and purpose of life.

Judeo-Christian view is that there are 10 dimensions that we know of. Hindus have seven dimensions called chakras. Both start just above the head and is called the Crown and goes to the bottom, which is called the Ground/Earth. Think of it like a battery that is standing on end. The top is Positive-Crown and the Negative-Earth and power from God flows from the outside to the crown down to the earth. Of course, this is very simple. It is somewhat more complex. God deals at the quantum level where He forms the quanta into positive, negative, neutral particles, and etc. Quantum-Healing is a matter of applying Judeo-Christian– Ruach HaKodesh principles of healing.

Please check out my webb site or write to me at

Enough for now. God Bless you and yours,


Tags: cockroaches, dilema of nivana, energy healing, Jesus healing, karma, Ruach HaKodesh

This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010 at 9:52 AM and is filed under Alternative Medicine, Quantum Healing-Energy Healing, Spiritual, Wellness. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Christians & Faith

Healing is Not a Cure is not just a catch phrase. God through the offices of the Holy Spirit effects a cure. As righteous Jews or spirit filled Christians we have the right to operate at the highest level in Faith. There is a considerable amount of confusion about the definition of Faith. Most English speaking or reading people, whether they are Christian or not, often quote from the King James Version of the Bible. The problem with the K JV is that many words in the 1600s have vastly different meaning in modern English. For instance, the word Faith in the K JV means, and modern English, “a firm belief” that God will do what his Word says. In short, we must not doubt our senses but hold on to the firm belief that whatever we pray for comes from God for our benefit. Therefore healing is a belief statement or a faith statement.

Remember a miracle is something that has happened and witnessed by someone which has no seeming natural explanation. I have taken the position that Jesus said that if we have faith we can do miracles. But he also said sometimes it requires much prayer and fasting to attain manifestations of Spirit working in this world. How do Buddhist and others perform miracles? Jewish Sages and Prophets, Spirit Baptized Christians, Buddhists, Brahmans and more have all records of miracles done throughout the ages.

Rabbi Asher Crispe has a excellent good video series called “The Theory of Everything” for I recommend you watch it because he places the 10 dimensions in a understandable format. Essentially, the Judeo-Christian view of outside and inside of the universe consists of 10 dimensions. Buddhists and Hindus have eight dimensions that is seven chakras surrounded by the “ultimate life force.” In both of these systems the eighth level is the level of the spirit. Out of this level life force and creation come about. God in His infinite mercy He did not destroy His creation when Man rebelled against him. He made way for Man to continue to communicate with Him.

Next time more about the 8th. dismension and Jesus and Quantum Healing. write to me at and please check my webb site

God Bless you and yours,


Tags: 10 dimensions, energy healing, Faith, Judeo-Christian, Kabbala, quantaum healing

This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010 at 7:30 PM and is filed under Alternative Medicine, Quantum Healing-Energy Healing, Spiritual, Wellness. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

What is a Dimenison?

Evidently there’s some confusion on how I define “dimension.” Generally we define our world in four dimensions: length, depth, height, and time. For the most part we are happy to live in four dimensions in reality it is enough for our daily living. Going back approximately 5000 years ago God ordained help for us since Adams sin broke fellowship with God. There became a void in our life. Since God’s Word cannot be voided part of His Spirit maintains the universe that He created.

Let us go back to the beginning before there was a universe. Before the universe was created, there was only God the “I Am The I Am!” Another words He was, is, and will be, Now. This concept is impossible for us to understand because we are finite. We have a beginning and a end. In the Bible, the book of Genesis is an accurate account of how the universe was made. Scientists call it the Big Bang Theory. The sequences or days of the beginning orchestration of the universe follows the exact biblical account.

Theoretical physicists will never be able to go back to the exact time when the universe was created or more correctly, they can never know what came before the first big bang. No matter how much money and time they put into devising atom-smashers they can never go beyond 0.00 hour. Because there was nothing before until God created the universe that we live in. This is a concept that is foreign to us since we know that there is a creation, which we are part of. Like the idea of infinity. We really cannot understand what it is. Since we cannot experience it in our mortal framework.

As I stated earlier we live in a four dimensional world of length, width, height, and time and for most of us it is all what we need. Someone named Albert Einstein had figured out that the universe is curved. That means that if we orient ourselves to the North and turn right we are facing East. If we were able to go faster than light since space is curved we would meet ourselves, eventually, in a full circle. That is because we have a limited area that we can occupy. God has no limits or boundaries. He has no concept of infinity because it is His natural state. He is always Now. In other words He has no dimensions because He cannot be defined. He is Being-Now-I Am!

In the Jewish Kabbalah oral tradition the universe the universe (God) has 10 sefirot or atrutbtiues/ dimensions. The 10th dimension is where God lives in that dimension there is no limits. Since God is perfect. The concepts of space and time , etc. have no value to Him. It is only in our universe that has definitions on three-dimensional. There are eight realities of Space and Time, which are:( 1-Above,2- Below),( 3-Right, 4-Left),( 5-Forward, 6-Back),( 7-Past, 8-Future). When Abraham came on the scene he added a Moral Dimension ( Good and Bad).

So when I write about “dimensions” they only apply to our universe. There may be other universes but we have no way of knowing. Nor is it germane to speculate about it because it does not concern us because we live in the here and now in this universe.

I want to thank you for your comments and I assure you that I read all of them. I weed out postings about making money on the Internet. I am in the process of completing my PhD dissertation and class work so that I I do not have tons of time. However, please contact me with any comments at and check out my webb site

God Bless you and yours,


Tags: I AM THE I AM, Kabbala, quantaum healing, quantum energy, quntum dimensions

This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 30th, 2010 at 2:31 PM and is filed under Alternative Medicine, Quantum Healing-Energy Healing, Spiritual, Wellness. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy Haukah & Merry Christmas

Happy Chanukah! Happy Hanukkah! The Merry Bells keep ringing. Happy Hanukkah to you! Joyous greetings at Christmas time! And an okay New Year!

Remember Healing is not a Cure but is a Help to get you through the rough places and life. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, we are endeavoring to bring back Healing to the world. For too long the kooks of the world have misled us about the source of our healing which is the Divine or the one God. Yes, Virginia, there is only one God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And he desires the best for us.

The fool says that if God is so good why is there evil in the world. The true question is why did God give us free will to be come evil? The simple answer is that as Sanit Paul wrote we all have sinned and come up short. It is appropriate that the invented Jewish celebration of light called Hanukkah coincides with the Christian celebration of the birth of the Messiah or Jesus the Christ. God’s redemption plan for man has been accomplished 2000 years ago.

Because the redemption of man we can, as Righteous Hebrew’s and Justified Christians have the source of the healing power of God. We cannot understand how God uses his Spirit to do healing on unsaved people. We are not privy to His thoughts , nor is he liable for His actions. We we can only be thankful for His gift of our healings.

The Left-Wing PC NAZIs give you the dopey HAPPY HOLDAYS! My desire for you and yours is to be healthy and wise through the Holy Spirit and celebrating the gift of the Word of Life which is Jesus the Christ.

God Bless you and yours,


Tags: Christian healing, energy healing, Faith

Healing Works for Me!

I just got my six month checkup by my cardiologist and it was good news. When you have a heart attack it means you have a lack of blood to your heart muscles and that part of the muscle dies. Hart muscle does not regrow. Since I have resarting my Christian healing the dead area of my heart has significantly shrunk. Praise the Lord.

Healing works!

Christian Quantum Intergated Healing-1

The prejudice against Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) by the Adventists Healthcare System (AHS). As they are a Christian organization they have, rightly so, serious reservations about CAM. The problem stems from the fact that Christianity turned its back on the “healing process” as we know it when the age of Enlightenment came into Western civilization of the 17th and 18th centuries A.D. Christian Quantum Integrated Healing has to overcome the huge bias against Christian Healing formed by their own Christian community.

In the 19th century, a Church of England priest from Dublin called John Nelson Darby founded the Plymouth Brethren and one of the founding principles of the organization was Dispensensationalsim. He believed that there were seven separate periods throughout the Bible. For example, he believed that there was a dispensation at the time of the original apostles and one of the signs of the apostles was the performance of miracles. Darby theorized that after the last of the apostle died, for the most part, there were no more miracles to perform. In other words, healing may occur but is not really for our time. What helped the theory along was the fact that the Bible scholar C.I. Scofield came out with a reference Bible that was thoroughly imbued by the dispensation theory of theology. Lewis Sperry Chafer the founder of the Dallas Theological Seminary (Baptist) also was a believer of Darby’s theology.There is no clear evidence in the Scripture that Jesus meant to heal only in the Apostle’s time. We come through to the 20th century and that one of the largest movements for Jesus was the Southern Baptist that, in general, followed Darby’s theology. The other large group of Christians was the Roman Catholics who believed in miracles, but that “God may heal you, but he does not have to.” This idea has invaded the Christian world to its detriment.

Since its In Noah’s time

We know that before Abraham there was Noah. We know that there were righteous people such as Enoch and Noah. We know the story of Noah; how did God communicate with him? The Bible does not address how God communicate with Noah only that He did. Jewish history indicates that he communicated mostly through Prophets and Sages.

The more interesting question is why did God bother to communicate at all? It is because God does not wish anyone to perish or have problems in their life.

When God (The Father-Creator) created the universe, it says the Word (Jesus) went out over the void by the power of the Holy Ghost or Spirit. Since God created the world or universe, He was obligated to keep his word, which maintains the existence of the universe. We do not know, or cannot really understand how God does this, but he does. Since He has given His Word on creating and keeping in existence the universe, He is obligated to maintain the universe no matter what we do. Because He is The I Am That I Am He keeps His word.

The Dimensional World

We deal with on a daily basis four dimensions, width, length, height, and time. Jewish Kabbalists (Jewish Mystics) have recorded over 5000 years ago that there are 10 dimensions to the universe. Recently, scientists believed that there were over 300 dimensions in the universe and untold number of alternate universes. Now the common opinion among scientists is that there are 10 dimensions to the universe. The Kabbalists calls them the Attributes of God or the Sephirot (Dimensions).

All cultures going back to very ancient times have their version of the dimensions. In Sanskrit/Hindu, they have eight dimensions with seven chakras. The Jewish version is more accurate in that there are 10 dimensions. Interestingly, both have the same number of dimensions of through the eighth dimension where the Spirit of the universe is. In Buddhist terms, it is where the “universal life force” resides. The mistake that most people make is that they are confused where the limits of the universe end.

God’s Word created the universe. His Spirit fills the universe and It cannot be separated from the universe. Thus, when the Buddhist and others talk about a “universal love or force in the universe” they are talking about the eighth dimension. However, there are nine dimensions in the created dimensions. The 10th dimension surrounds us because it surrounds us by the Infinity of God. We as humans we have access to the eighth dimension. We as “Righteous Hebrews and Christians” have access to the ninth dimension. This means that we are in direct communication and interaction with Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit. The 10th dimension is where all three persons of the Trinity are. We cannot understand how this works because we have no real reference point. We just have to accept it as it is.

Over the course of centuries, the world has learned about getting in touch with the eighth dimension and the Judeo-Christian world has abandoned it essentially. Now there is rejuvenation on learning about Quantum Healing. Jesus manipulated Quantum Energy; the result was what we call a miracle but he said that we would do more than he did! Jesus was known for having raising the dead!

Now go and do likewise! Yes?

End of part-1

Christian Quantum Intergrated Healing-2

What is Quantum Healing Energy?

When Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for physics, it was the study of the behavior of photons, which seemed to act as a waves having frequency and amplitude and they had mass. Max Planck theorized that photons and electrons were changing energy levels, which could be detected. Eventually Planck was able to theorize and prove the smallest unit of measure that would hold itself together, which is called quantum. He was able to calculate how much energy was produced in an electron in going from one valence ring to another. This figure is extremely small -28 it is called Planck Constant. He was puzzled because he could measure the change at the quantum level, but he could not predict where the constant would end up. He can only see the evidence of it moving after changed position in the energy field.

Werner Heisenberg, a friend and a fellow theoretical physicist, figured out Planck’s problem. Heisenberg said that you could only know the probability of the event occurring because the action by the viewer affects the experiment. That is if you are looking at an object called A it goes position B when the experimenter tries to look at it. Then when you go and look at position B instantly the quantum goes to A’. You can only use probability functions a the quantum level where the A’ moves by Planck’s constant. We know that the smallest undivided thing in the universe is that quantum because quarks, mesons, etc. cannot exist for very long by themselves.

When God created the universe, He used the basic building blocks of the universe quantum. When you move quantum around you generate energy. The more you have of basic quantum. You can string together atoms, molecules, etc. and build life, as we know it

How Jesus Worked His Miracles

Jesus was a perfect human like Adam before his fall. Remember when Jesus assumed the mantle of humanity. He gave up his God given and rightful abilities as the Word in the Trinity. He functioned as a complete human with all the problems and temptations to overcome. In other words, if he did not fully give up his Godhood, it would make a mockery of his teachings because no one would be able to fulfill any of his teachings for their will was not strong enough for the task.

He knew that whatever the Holy Ghost would tell him that it was trustworthy or what we call faith. The word for faith in Hebrew is aman and in Greek, it is pisteuo. The word faith then means that whatever you know about someone, such as God, you know that it is trustworthy, truthful, and have assurance in the reliability of the speaker. When Jesus said in Matthew 18:18-20 “whatever you bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven” he displayed faith in that it would be so. When he said, in John 14:8-17, about having faith the size of a mustard seed to move a mountain he said it in faith, it was the truth.

Again, is very important to remember that Jesus operated through the laws of the universe that God obeys also.

Because of Adams sin, we lost the fellowship mind of God and what was once known out in the open became hidden from humankind. In Jesus’ own words he was able to cast out demons, etc. because prayed, fasted, and had faith to manipulate Quantum Energy that we call miracles, even when he was amongst a crowd of disbelievers such as his hometown crowd in Capernaum. The Bible states that he was not able to do great miracles only minor miracles of healing because of the great unbelief of the people of Capernaum, in Matthew 13:57-58. In other words, their thoughts and great unbelief stopped Jesus performing good works.

Their unbelief influenced the Quantum Energy.

In the world of Energy Healing practice you hear the term, “Whatever is the best for the client/patient do it.” The practitioner must maintain a positive attitude and the recipient at least a neutral attitude for healing to be effective. Yes, a positive attitude is necessary for healing to take place.

Judeo-Christian healers and the world both operate in the eighth dimension for healing. The huge difference is that Righteous Jews and Spirit filled Christians can communicate directly with the Holy Spirit at the ninth level.

Healing is Not a Cure, but it Helps the Hurting!

In truth, not everyone has the faith for a cure, but we can be taught to use what faith we have. Sometimes, the cure is going to heaven rather than surviving on Earth. Healing allows the family and patient come to terms with their departure from this life. Health care workers in the main have a difficult time letting go of their dying patient even when it is the best interest of the patient and family. Christian Quantum Integrated Healing helps health care workers to cope.

With over 6000+ published articles the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) has studied extensively CAM and has concluded that CAM is a potent help in healing and life transitions. The other good news is that Quantum Energy Integrated Healing can be done by anyone with very simple training. The desire of helping is more important than the technique. Is not simply positive thinking it is positive thinking with purpose and goals. Volunteers can be trained to help in hospitals, hospice, homes, and even at work to help the Healing Process.

End od part-2