Saturday, November 13, 2010

Give Your Headache to Jesus, NOW!!

Healing is for today !
Recently, some time around June or August, a minister of the Gospel declared, rightly so, that the metaphysical aspects of yoga is not Christian. However, that does not mean that there is not some so what does this on form of truth in yoga. If you only do the exercises there is no problem with doing yoga. He is correct if you go into the universal love metaphysical nonsense.
universal love/is god
The basic problem is that Buddhist/yoga assumes the position that of the yin-yang which is in error. Whereas, the Judeo-Christian position is that God is all positive and that Adam before his fall was also all positive. When evil came into the universe. It worked upon Adam eventually killing him. Therefore Judeo-Christian healing does not emphasize restoring balance but emphasizes restoring positivity.
Think of it like this. We are a life sized battery with our head/Crown is the positive and our contact with the earth/negative pole. When negative events occur such as sickness our full positive charge is depleted. And through quantum physics/healing the Father God has given us a way to recharge and fill up the human battery.
How does it help your headache! Good question. Before I am overwhelmed with at least three e-mails, yes healing does occur by other than Judeo-Christian people. However, the Righteous Hebrew and the Righteous Christian can go directly to the Holy Spirit. The Jewish Kabbalists recognize there are 10 levels or dimensions in the universe. Science has confirmed that there are 10 universes or dimensions ultimately. The eighth dimension where God's Creation's Spirit is called chaos, is the source for most of the healings. The Buddhist and others can tap into the eighth dimension and take a bit of it down to the seventh dimension where we live.
Righteous Hebrew's and Righteous Christians have the privilege to go to the ninth level.
If you would like more relief for your pain e-mail me at
Some food for thought.